After Magnus' endless nagging(which included sending me threatening emails every second hour for a week) I finally decided to write a post about his super band the Positives!

Let's just start of with a little bio:
The Positives is a Bergen-based rock n' roll group, put together by four boys.
Magnus(who is one of my best friends, and the best guitarist I know) plays the guitar as you may have figured, and sings backing vocals.
Although Magnus might tell you something else on Myspace, he was born and raised in Bergen(with exeptions of a few years in Oslo) and still lives with his parents and his hot little brother Åsmund.
I don't know much about the other four members, but I'll tell you that
Anders sings lead vocal and plays the guitar,

The Positives have only posted one song on their myspace page so far, but they're going to start recording in not long, as they won a competition.(can't be bothered to explain it...)
The one song they have on MySpace is a very catchy tune called "Downtown".

I think it's a killer song, although the text is a bit weird:p (lines like: "I ain't puttin' on a dressing gown")
Anyways, other than the fact that they should change their name(there are like a duzzen other bands with that name on MySpace, some are even touring) the Positives is a great band, who plays music the way music(in my opinion) should be played: by four young boys!
Wish you all luck with your upcoming recording session, and hope I get to see you live sometime!!
Sun loves you!
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