Thursday, 13 November 2008

Drugs in Disney movies?

I was just watching the Simpsons episode called "D'oh-ing in the wind", where Homer discovers his mother's hippie past, and there were lot's of references to all these drug related things... and shoot, I can't remeber what put the idea in my head, but I just came to think about that scary scene in Dumbo, with the pink elephants...
Dumbo and Timothy Mouse accidentaly get drunk and start to hallucinate, and this is where the scene, commonly known as the Pink Elephants On Parade sequence.
I watched it again on YouTube, and I must say, it frightened me more now, than it ever did when I was a kid, and I used to watch Dumbo a lot!
Well, my old beloved Wikipedia has this to say about it:
[Quote]The song along with the segment itself has been ingrained in pop culture as an infamous allusion to intoxication. The scene is also notorious as being quite scary for some children and one of the classic "scary scenes" in Disney films most adults still remember from their childhood. For this reason it has been included at Number 90 in retrocrush's "100 Scariest Movie Scenes" in 2004[2] and in a list compiled by filmsite [3]. It is indeed quite understandable that the surreal, nightmarish choreography of the scene, along with the high-pitched music and hypnotic motions and colors, would produce anxiety among children, reminding them of their bad dreams or even febrile delirium. It has also been said that most children who see the film don't understand that Dumbo is drunk and therefore are confused by the hallucination. [end quote]

Kind of disturbing eh? And this film came out in 1941! I mean, this is before the sixties, where people used drug references all the time!

Another drug-sequence I thought about, when I heard the song "White Rabbit" by Jefferson Airplaine, isn't exactly a hallusination, but it's the one with the catterpillar in Alice in wonderland.
I mean, the caterpillar is sitting on a mushroom(which makes you tall og small if you eat it) while smoking something that clearely is making him intoxicated and annoying. Alle the colourful words and letters coming out with the smoke and the way he is totally laidback and indulged in his own world, would remind you of a stoner, wouldn't it?

And this movie came out in '51 I think, also before the sixties' big drug craze.
I must say, Disney were a lot more daring before, and they probably took advantage of the fact that if anyone questioned their acid-trip like scenes, they could say it was only innocent children's entertainment.

But who knows, maybe I'm just beeing speculative....


Anonymous said...

Haha! This actually were really interesting and fun to read! I've never given it any thoughts, but you got a point. Another example is Peter Pan, where they're smoking hookah. Good job Sunniva!

L said...

i love this. Very good examples, etc. ahhahaha that Alice in Wonderland scene reminds me of the Beatles so much! lol ;] and omg, when he says "Stop! That is not spoken 'correcitacily'." hahahah i love Wonderland!