Sunday 21 September 2008

British x-rated Movie

From the 60's that is, so don't get exited.

But it's really funny! About two years ago I saw a movie called The Best House In London on TCM. It's this (according to the standards of 1969) on the edge sexually centered movie about:(I can't be bothered to write a summary, so I'll let New York Times do their thing)

"In this British farce, the British Home Secretary satisfies the men of London by sanctioning a government-run brothel. This comedy chronicles what happens when secretary John Bird appoints Sir Francis Leybourne to run the place. Bird then has his lovely girlfriend Babbette act as the Madame. Sir Leybourne owns an opium plantation in India and one day goes there to see it. Unfortunately, he gets killed in an uprising, leaving his prim niece Josephine Pacefoot in charge of the cathouse. A staunch believer in social reform, she is quite sure what to do with the disreputable business. Leybourne's son has plenty of ideas too and wants the fortune and the bordello for himself. " Sir Leybourne's son and a woman I'm guessing is Babbette (those of you who have seen Blow Up, might recognise David Hemmings there;))

Sir Leybourne's son's unknown son(David Hemmings again!) at the headquarters of Josephine's feminist gang

Some parade against something...

I think this is at the brothel

Sir Leybourne's son and some girl(or maybe it's Josephine?)

All pictures are taken from

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